
I don’t post my life on social media, I don’t let myself get blackmailed. Teenagers talk about the risks of the online environment.

Every child has the right to enjoy a positive experience in the online environment. Even today, on Safer Internet Day / SID, we remind the young Internet users of this right, challenging them to a sincere and revealing dialogue.

We asked several teenagers to tell us what they think about the risks in the online environment. Like the adults, they gave very different answers. We don’t post our personal lives on networks; we don’t allow them to blackmail us; be careful with what you send, imagine, for a second, what might happen to the picture you sent - these were the first ideas that came to their mind when they were asked about potential unpleasant situations one might encounter on the Internet.

In our turn, we understood that sometimes, to protect a teenager from the dangers he does not see, it is good to let his peers talk to him. This year, we want children to be more aware and more involved in preventing dangers in the virtual environment. The experience of the SigurOnline counselors shows that, when they find themselves in risky situations, teenagers prefer to keep quiet about the problems they face in an online relationship. And the first to notice that something is wrong and the first to alert the SigurOnline team are classmates, friends, or other young people in the circle of trust.

Elena BOTEZATU, Director of the Issues Affecting Children Program, La Strada Moldova: In this video, you will see that today's teenagers have well-developed critical thinking. At their age, they already know a lot about human relationships, rules, and things that they would never do online, which proves that they are getting informed and discussing these issues among themselves.

The siguronline.md team will continue the series of interviews with adolescents about their safety and life in the online environment. It is our way of telling them that their interests, passions, and problems they face on the Internet also concern us. And in the SID 2020 campaign, the siguronline.md counselors come with an empathic message for all teenagers who are active users of social networks:

learning, discovering new opportunities, socializing, and having fun online is absolutely normal. Often, it is easier to express your emotions on social networks, especially when communication becomes more than just an exchange of replies. And this is natural, as long as we don’t abuse anyone's trust, do not offend, respect others' privacy, and don’t publish content that could affect someone's reputation. However, if an online relationship gets complicated, it is time to ask for help! The siguronline.md counsellor is only a click away. Like before, the service remains secure and confidential. No teenager should endure anyone's threats or blackmail, even if they are in the online environment.

During February, La Strada Moldova will implement several information and training activities about online safety for children, adolescents, parents, and teachers in several towns/villages in the Republic of Moldova. In order to achieve early prevention and improve strategies in combating child abuse in the online environment, a series of joint events and exchanges of good practices will follow, with the participation of partners in the SID 2020 campaign: the Council of Europe Office in Chisinau, Ministry of Education, Culture and Research, General Inspectorate of Police, and Center for Combating Cybercrime.

International Safer Internet Day (SID) is part of the Better Internet for Kids Strategy, adopted by the European Commission.

As the National SID Committee, La Strada Moldova supports and encourages the general public to promote the international SID initiative's message in the Republic of Moldova - "Together for a better internet." For 16 years already, the goal of the campaign remains the same: to mobilize citizens, the civil society, companies, authorities, and the general public to ensure a better internet for young Internet users. Today, this initiative is marked in over 140 countries around the world. On social media, messages from the supporters of this campaign can be found under the hashtags #SaferInternetDay, # SID2020, #SigurOnline.