
On Safer Internet Day, civil society repeatedly asks state institutions to take action

Today, February 7, the entire world is celebrating the Safer Internet Day. On this occasion, the International Center “La Strada” reiterates its concerns about the fact that in the Republic of Moldova the National Policies in the field of Protection and Education of Children make no reference to their safety online. In 2017, at the international level, the slogan of the event is „Be the change: United for a better Internet”.

As stated by the civil society representatives, although the Republic of Moldova is in top 10 of countries with the highest Internet speed, and the rate of Internet services increases each year, the state response is being delayed.

“Up to now, there is no platform or national group in Moldova to address this issue, and the National Policies in the field of Protection and Education of Children make no reference to their safety online. While informational technologies rapidly develop and become more accessible in various areas of life, the quietness of state authorities is particularly risky. We appreciate the creation of the section, specialized in child protection within the Center for Combating Informational Crimes, but we also mention that for years this is the only response from the state, always presented as an accomplishment. At the same time, the thematic action plan, the development of which was announced one year ago, and which made us believe that the state institutions finally understood the importance of protecting children on the Internet, is not being implemented by today”, said Ana Revenco, the President of the International Center “La Strada”.

According to the statistics of the unique national platform for promotion of child safety on the Internet, every year the number of appeals from children who say they were abused in the online space is doubled.

“This day is an opportunity to stress again the need for responsible use of informational technologies and the role of everyone in transforming the virtual space into a safer environment. As the slogan of this year’s event calls, we strongly believe that the business representatives from the TC field, educational and legal systems, politicians, children and parents should unite their efforts in order to ensure safe and responsible use of the Internet”, said Angela Palancean, Coordinator of www.siguronline.md.

At its XIV-th edition, the Safer Internet Day 2017 will be celebrated in over 100 countries around the world with the support of the European Commission and 31 National Centers for Safer Internet. In the context of the Safer Internet Day, during the month of February the International Center “La Strada” is also preparing a set of thematic activities.