
Solidarity call for ratification of the Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence

The organizations that make up the National Coalition „Life without domestic violence” are launching today the initiative to collect signatures for the ratification of the Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (Istanbul Convention).

The petition can be accessed at this link - https://bit.ly/3dEHR4Wand will be accompanied by a series of messages of solidarity.

By means of this petition, we ask the deputies from the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova to ratify the Convention by the end of the spring 2020 parliamentary session. The Republic of Moldova signed the Convention in 2017, but without its ratification, the provisions remain only on paper.

During the lockdown period, the situation of women living in violence became even more complicated. Mothers, sisters, nieces, daughters or just our friends and neighbors remain within four walls with their aggressors, being at high risk. For a month in lockdown, 35% more women victims of violence called the Women and Girls’ Trustline 0 8008 8008. About 30 women die annually in the Republic of Moldova, as result of violence caused by their partners.

We all want a society in which domestic violence is no longer common. In this endeavor, we need the support of the whole society, so we address the media representatives to support the initiative of the National Coalition and to join the actions of disseminating and signing the Petition.

Contact person: Natalia Rezneac, Communicator, National Coalition "Life without violence in the family", mob. 069023978; e-mail: nataliarezneac@gmail.com.