
Study visit to the Netherlands to take over the best practices for investigating and judging COSESA cases

This week, a group of experts involved in investigating and prosecuting cases of child sexual abuse and exploitation online (COSESA) is conducting a study visit to the Netherlands.

The visit is organized in the framework of the project "Strengthening the capacity of the Republic of Moldova to address online sexual exploitation and abuse of children", implemented by the International Center La Strada with the financial support of the U.S. Embassy in Chisinau. The aim of the project is to build and strengthen a community of well-trained and committed professionals in the effective fight against online sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of children in the Republic of Moldova.

The Moldovan delegation consists of representatives of the police specializing in the investigation of online sexual exploitation cases, prosecutors, judges and representatives of academia. Experts have the opportunity to take from their colleagues in the Netherlands the best practices of investigation and prosecution, focused on the needs of victims.

The agenda of the study visit points out some concrete questions to which our colleagues will find answers from the best experts in the hosting country:

• what are the provisions of the Dutch legal framework for combating COSESA, how are national policies in this area designed?

• what provides for the efficient investigation and prosecution of COSESA cases, how the specialized police unit is functioning, prosecutors, what special investigative techniques are applied, how experts from the Netherlands collaborate with EUROPOL, EUROJUST, etc.

• what is the specifics of partnerships with private sector companies

• what special protocols and procedures are in place to ensure the protection of victims during the investigation and prosecution

• what are the roles and functions of the centers specializing in image analysis and the removal from the online environment of COSESA materials

• What training and education programs are in place for the law and justice bodies involved in the management of COSESA cases etc.

Many thanks to the partners from the Defense for Children team for facilitating the organization of the study visit and all the support provided during this visit.