
Moldova heard by the UN Human Rights Council

These days, Moldova participated in the 40th evaluation session held by the Universal Periodic Review working group of the UN Human Rights Council.

Together with colleagues from the coalition “Life without domestic violence” RCTV Memoria, Promo-LEX, NGO Interaction, Women’s Law Center and a group of experts from the Advocates for Human Rights team, La Strada team came up with an alternative vision on Moldova’s compliance with its international obligations in the field of human rights, especially in the context of domestic violence and sexual violence.

The alternative report describes the progress and regress made by authorities, as well as the gaps in the field of preventing and combating sexual violence and domestic violence. Although authorities have taken important steps to prevent domestic violence and sexual violence, additional efforts are needed for Moldova to fulfill its obligation to effectively address gender-based violence. This report sets out the remaining challenges and ends with recommendations to the Government of the Republic of Moldova to fully ensure the safety of victims.

Speaking about preventing and combating domestic violence and sexual violence, the International Center La Strada wanted to bring to the attention of UN representatives some specific recommendations to improve the system’s response to gender-based violence, such as:

  • Ensuring effective investigation of all complaints of domestic and sexual violence against women, prosecuting abusers and delivering sentences that are commensurate with the seriousness of the crimes committed;
  • Approving amendments to the Criminal Code and the Code of Criminal Procedure in order to strengthen the material and procedural rights of the victims of crimes that encroach on the freedom and sexual inviolability of the person, in accordance with the standards established by the Istanbul Convention and the Lanzarote Convention;
  • Expanding rehabilitation centers for victims of domestic violence and sexual offences, particularly in rural areas, and increasing the capacity and coverage of shelters;
  • Developing practical response mechanisms to cases concerning sex crimes, namely methodical instructions for police intervention, medical institutions, etc.
  • Continuing training on the specifics of prosecuting and examining cases of sexual violence from the perspective of the gender dimension and access to justice of women victims of sex crimes;
  • Developing comprehensive multidisciplinary services accessible to victims of sexual abuse, etc.

As a result of the evaluation session, the Government of Moldova received recommendations from other states in order to improve the human rights situation at national level, including in the specific issues we referred to together with our Coalition colleagues – preventing and combating gender-based violence.

The hearing of the Republic of Moldova by the UN Human Rights Council can be watched here.