
PRR in the context of child rights protection for 2014-2020

According to several statistics, the phenomenon of sexual abuse/exploitation of children is far from being in decrease, and the challenges that appeared as a result of its evolution require a prompt and constant reaction of the institutions responsible for child protection. The analysis of cases assisted by the International Center “La Strada” suggests that from the moment of abuse till the moment when the child is found as sexually exploited, an average of 428 days are required, a period when children themselves or influenced by the abusers normalize the model of such sexual behavior. The confusing behavioral picture that hides the drama of sexually abused/exploited children, causes many challenges for the specialists engaged in the rehabilitation and reintegration process. 

This was the reason for launching, in partnership with the Network of National Organizations for Child Protection and Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Child Trafficking from the Republic of Moldova, of the Project “Including the voice of children-victims of sexual exploitation into national programs and policies”, supported by the ECPAT International Secretariat. The Program for Rehabilitation and Reintegration (PRR) of children victims of sexual exploitation was developed, consulted and piloted within this Project.

Following the above-mentioned reasons, on May 24, 2016, the International Center “La Strada” organized the round table named “Perspectives and potential of PRR in the context of implementation of the National Strategy for Child Protection”. During the event, several main actors from the field of child rights protection and academia, as well as representatives of central and local administration discussed about the role of the PRR of children victims of sexual exploitation/abuse in the context of the implementation of the Strategy for child rights protection for 2014-2020, optimization of the inter-sectorial cooperation mechanism for identification, evaluation, distribution, assistance and monitoring of children victims and potential victims of violence, neglection, exploitation and trafficking, and development of services for family empowerment in order to support reintegration of sexually abused/exploited children.

The initiative also supports the objectives of the Strategy for child rights protection for 2014–2020, which provides for a range of actions focused on preventing and combating violence, neglection and exploitation of children, as well as the national Strategy “Moldova 2020”. Also, the participants in the Round Table shared their opinions about identification of children at high risk for sexual exploitation and development of an individual plan for child protection during deinstitutionalization based on the PRR, when creating alternative services for children victims of sexual exploitation.

The event was organized under the aegis of the Ministry of Labor, Social Protection and Family, in partnership with the member organizations of the national ECPAT network. The Moldovan ECPAT network is formed of national organizations involved in combating child sexual exploitation and trafficking. It should be mentioned that the National Network was created in September 2006 and became an affiliate of the ECPAT Network in March 2007. The national network comprises 7 organizations, which primary goal is child rights promotion and protection, as well as child protection from sexual exploitation.