
Protecting children affected by the refugee crisis from sexual exploitation and abuse. Recommendations of the Lanzarote Committee

These days, Moldovan citizens show fascinating humanism and capacity for empathy in relation to the situation of refugees who continue to come to our country. In addition to the news that makes us proud of our fellow citizens who are receptive to the pain of others, it is important not to forget the dangers that always escalate in conflict zones.

International reports show that during humanitarian crises, vulnerability and crime rates increase significantly, including the incidence of sexually exploited minors.

We want to bring to the attention of all partners in the national anti-trafficking community recommendations of the Lanzarote Committee on protecting children affected by the refugee crisis from sexual exploitation and abuse.

The main measures presented by the Council of Europe in a special report, published 5 years ago, remain in force. Even more, it is in our power, of every conscious citizen, to review them and to take note wherever and whenever we encounter scenes of concern in relation to the safety and life of a child.

So, these are, briefly, the main directions of action and recommendations of the Council of Europe addressed to all parties to the Lanzarote Convention in the context of the situation of children affected by refugee crises:

Ensure minimum standards of accommodation and asylum

In this respect, the parties are invited to consider the following priorities, as appropriate:

  1. Placement for reunified families
  2. Placement in host families, with continuous supervision, for older children, or other forms of non-institutional care
  3. Placement in small institutions to minimize the danger of child sexual abuse

Special measures to prevent the disappearance of unaccompanied children

First, ensure that all actors involved, including authorities, law enforcement, legal and public institutions in the field of child rights protection, work together efficiently. Second, all authorities must fully respect the principle of the best interests of the child in all their actions – creating a safe environment for unaccompanied children, providing them with care and living conditions that meet their needs and vulnerabilities and providing them with effective protection. And, last but not least, redouble efforts to combat criminal networks of traffickers in transit zones.

Create and maintain a relationship of trust with children by informing about the risks of sexual abuse and methods of its prevention

For a more effective identification of potential victims of child sexual abuse or exploitation, it is very important to provide information and advice on the prevention and protection of all children affected by the refugee crisis from sexual exploitation and abuse. Information must be delivered to them according to their age, gender, in a language they understand.

Thorough verification and training of professionals and volunteers working in transit areas

In transit areas there are many people in contact with children (representatives of authorities, police, social workers, doctors, lawyers, volunteers, etc.). The activity of such persons must be monitored by competent authorities continuously, including verification of previous convictions for sexual offences in relation to children.

Collect relevant data on the number of refugee children and on the number of children who have been sexually abused and/or exploited at any time on their way to their destination

In this respect, the Lanzarote Committee invites the parties to collect data on the following three distinct categories of children: asylum seeker children; unaccompanied children; the estimated total number of children affected by the refugee crisis in transit. It is also recommended to share good practices on how to effectively collect data on these categories of children.

We count on effective collaboration between public authorities, colleagues from civil society and partners from international organizations involved in extensive processes of managing the situation of Ukrainian refugees in our country.

We remain on the line for all our fellow citizens who want to be of help to our neighbors in impasse. The Safe Migration and Anti-Trafficking Hotline 0 800 77777 works daily from 8:00 to 20:00.

Also, your messages, questions, notifications about the situation of children at risk of trafficking and/or sexual exploitation are taken over by the counselor on our platform siguronline.md.

For notification of any violations of the rights of children, call Child’s Phone – 116 111.

Green Line of the One-Stop Refugee Flow Crisis Management Centre – 080080011. 

Note: In this text, by “child” we mean any minor person who, in the context of the humanitarian crisis caused by the war in Ukraine, accompanied by adult members of their family or alone, crosses the border of the Republic of Moldova as refugee seeking protection and/or asylum.