
The managers of pre-university institutions are trained, for two days, on the Standards of Children's Protection and Safety in the Online Environment

The managers of pre-university institutions are trained, for two days, on the Standards of Children's Protection and Safety in the Online Environment

During the period of August 16-17 this year, 30 managers of pre-university institutions from different regions of the country participate in the training workshop “Standards of Children's Protection and Safety in the Online Environment - How do we ensure their efficient implementation?”, organized by the International Centre “La Strada” in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Research with the support of UNICEF Moldova.
Veronica Maevschi, the Director of the Issues Affecting Children Program within IC La Strada mentioned in the opening of the event that this activity is part of an ambitious project, implemented by the IC “La Strada” with the financial support of UNICEF Moldova with a view to ensure the protection and safety of boys and girls against sexual violence in the online environment, including gender-based violence.
“A safe school has been our dream, which came to life a few years ago and towards the realization of which we went step by step together with our partners. The Safer Internet School Concept involves the creation of a safe online environment for children, in which the teachers and managerial staff responsibly ensure the children’s online safety, the parents are informed about the risks of the digital environment and how they could guide their kids, whereas the children know and can have the support of both parents and teachers in case of any unpleasant situation. I wish you interesting and useful activities during these two training days”, said Veronica Maevschi. 
Angela Prisăcaru, the Senior Consultant of the Ministry of Education and Research welcomed the partnership with IC “La Strada” and the support of UNICEF Moldova, which she qualified as professional and valuable for the authorities in preventing and strengthening the educational institutions’ online safety.” After this training workshop we expect the managerial staff be able to integrate the standards of children's protection and safety in the online environment, approved by the Ministry, in the internal plans of the institutions”, emphasized Angela Prisăcaru.
Tatiana Danilescu, Children’s Protection Officer UNICEF Moldova reiterated the long-term support of the entity she represents for the protection initiatives related to safe online environment for children. She thanked the partners for the openness, and the institutions’ managers for interest and participation. 
The training workshop for the managerial staff is organized in accordance with the Action Plan on the implementation of the Standards of children's protection and safety in the online environment, approved by the order of Ministry of Education and Research no. 985 from 07.10.2022, with a view to ensure children’s protection and safety in the online environment. 
During this event, the managerial staff and the people in charge from education institutions are involved in a participative discussions and planning of the actions which need to be taken at the institution’s level concerning the children’s online safety. At the end of the training workshop, the participants will have a draft action plan for implementing the Set of Standards, developed with the guidance of trainers.
To ensure a good implementation for the Standards during the 2023-2024 school year, eight education institutions have been selected which will benefit from support on behalf of the International Centre “La Strada”, under the project “Strengthen the system for the prevention and protection of boys and girls from online sexual violence, including GBV”, financially supported by UNICEF.
This July, International Centre “La Strada”, with support from UNICEF Moldova, launched the project “Strengthen the system for the prevention and protection of boys and girls from online sexual violence, including GBV”, meant to consolidate the systemic response to the sexual violence against boys and girls in the online environment, including gender-based violence.