
More time online, more attention to communication rules: we launch a new animated spot for teenagers how to be smart online

In the first quarter of 2020, the counselors of siguronline.md platform registered a double increase of the number of requests of children related to relationships, dangerous behaviors or even sexual abuse in the online environment, compared to indicators from the same period of the last year.If in the first three months of the last year (2019) 30 cases were reported in which children were exposed to different types of risks on the Internet, during January-March this year the counselors registered 69 requests for help.

Given the considerable increase in the number of cases of online abuse of children committed during the lockdown period and the increase in the responsibilities of parents and caregivers, the siguronline.md team developed an animated spot. It is intended for young people, in particular. This age group, between 12 and 14 years old, has the highest level of risk of online sexual blackmail (sextortion). "When online relationships get complicated, you can talk about it with your family. But if you find it difficult to confess, you can always leave a message on siguronline platform. It's reliable and confidential "- this is the final call of the animated spot character. For more details – see the video.

70% of child sexual abuse content is produced by minors.A major challenge during lockdown remains the sharing of photo or video materials with sexual content created by children. International data show that 70% of child sexual abuse material that appeared in the virtual space at the time of the declaration of the pandemic is self-produced. Children take intimate pictures and videos and share them with other children, without being fully aware of the consequences of these behaviors. Once on the networks, the materials become grounds for threats, harassment or blackmail.

Elena BOTEZATU, Director of Children’s Program of La Strada Moldova: "Despite the considerable changes in the daily schedule of children, generated by the COVID-19 pandemic, it is certain that their interests for communication and the desire to make new friends on social networks remain the same. Now even more, the boredom and lack of opportunity to get involved in other activities that they had until now increase their curiosity for interactions with strangers, making them more vulnerable. For these reasons, it is so important to remind children that there are alternative solutions, someone who can listen to them without criticizing them, anonymously and confidentially, and can offer them help. This is the intention that was the basis of this spot ".

What can the parent do?

Now, the parents have a lot of responsibilities. In addition to the work that many of them do remotely, adults are involved in ensuring the continuity of the distance learning process; they are forced to find a balance between the children’s online and offline activities. And they are now the main resource for educating appropriate behaviors in the online environment and helping children who have difficulty communicating on the Internet. SigurOnline.md specialists have some recommendations and suggestions for parents:

  • Review your children's internet usage rules. The pandemic period requires a longer online connection time and, inevitably, an adaptation of the rules so far.
  • Make a plan of daily activities for the child, which will help her/him to effectively manage the 24 hours spent at home.
  • Facilitate her/his access to online education, through effective communication with teachers about how to conduct online lessons. Clearly define the roles of each for a pleasant, easy and efficient online education.
  • Be attentive to any changes in your child's behavior about how they use technology. For example, when your child becomes more secretive, turn off the phone or laptop as you approach the screen, become more irritable, or you notice some changes in the way the child looks or dresses at home. Initiate a warm, calm discussion about what is happening to her/him.
  • Pay more attention to the child, especially to find out about her/his interests in the online environment, her/his friends, what she/he usually does on the internet, etc.

How can the teacher get involved?

In turn, the teachers can slip through the information and resources they provide to pupils during online classes some useful tips in developing safe behaviors on the Internet. SigurOnline.md specialists recommend to teachers:

  • Keep close and effective communication with the child and her/his parent about how to carry out the process of distance learning and assessment (online lessons’ schedule, rules of communication during classes, appropriate resources for homework, etc.).
  • Remind pupils of the rules of safe communication with other online users.
  • Provide pupils with solutions and resources where they can ask for help if something unpleasant happens to them online.
  • Follow the pupils' activity online, and if they notice some comments in children’s address, some more intimate photos or videos shared online, react immediately, discussing first of all with the child.

The SigurOnline.md team was created in January 2013 as part of the Children's Program of the International Center La Strada Moldova. The activity of this team involves several directions: information about the safe use of the Internet by children; individual counseling in situations of risk of sexual exploitation of children online; legal and psychological counseling and assistance for children victims of online sexual abuse; guiding the specialists engaged in the protection of children, who are or have been sexually abused and/or exploited on the Internet.