
The International Center “La Strada” launches its new identity

Dear reader, our close relationship with you makes us believe that it is important for you to know about the new things that are happening to us. Specifically, we want to inform you that on the 15th Anniversary of its activity in the Republic of Moldova, the International Center “La Strada” also decided to change its identity.

We will continue sharing the same conviction that together – not only as “La Strada” team, but as a whole society – we can create a world that would be more sensitive to the needs of women and children. That is why, after celebrating 15 years of activity, more than ever we chose to continue our path with optimism, and an authentic aspiration towards light.

Și pentru că rămânem și în continuare alături de ei, cei care au nevoie de noi, la baza noii identități va rămâne același labirint.

Starting December 2016, the elements of the new identity will be placed on all communication instruments of the International Center “La Strada”. We will get a new “coat” for the web page of “La Strada”, new visuals in our online and email communication, but also other materials, adjusted to the new identity.