
Workshops “The work of the intervention team in cases of sexual violence: collaboration and perspectives”

Three training seminars on the work of the intervention team in cases of sexual violence, intended for relevant specialists, marked the end of 2022 and the beginning of 2023.

They took place on 19 December, 17 January and 24 January with the support of Oxfam in partnership with the General Police Inspectorate, targeting more than 100 specialists hired to respond, in cooperation, to cases of sexual violence: investigation officers, criminal prosecution officers, representatives from social assistance departments, forensic experts, etc.

The trainings conducted by La Strada trainers covered the ways of intervention in cases of sexual violence against women, good practices and methods of collaboration in order to ensure a prompt, professional response focused on the needs of the victims.

Sample cases allowed to simulate the work of the intervention team in cases of sexual violence, showing ways of interaction between specialists and good practices that help diminish the effect of revictimization in the process of investigating cases of sexual violence.

The best response to cases of sexual violence is immediate reaction according to protocols

Doina Cazacu, director of the women’s program at La Strada, noted: “The issue of sexual violence in our society is still very sensitive, especially in cases where victims are blamed by society. The best response in such cases is immediate reaction of competent bodies to cases of sexual violence. Throughout the process of providing support to victims of sexual violence, we need to ensure an environment of trust, so that every woman who reports a case of sexual violence is properly aided. The beneficiaries of the training showed particular interest in the guidelines and working methodology of the joint intervention team in cases of sexual violence, specifically in interconnection of all professionals who intervene in cases of sexual violence, especially since the guidelines are at the stage of public consultations.”

In her turn, Ana Nani, lawyer of the International Center La Strada, presented the new provisions of the Criminal Code and the Code of Criminal Procedure that are relevant for cases of sexual violence. Emphasis was placed on the amendments introduced by Law no. 316 of 17 November 2022, in force since 09 January 2023, which aim at ensuring the rights of victims of sex crimes and domestic violence. The most important amendments were highlighted, which remove the victim from the circle of blame for the criminal act committed, expanding the area of procedural rights and guarantees of the injured party in the criminal process, redefining the crime of “rape” and other crimes provided for in the Criminal Code of the Republic of Moldova.

Prejudice has no place in professional approach

Olesea Ciuciu, psychologist at the International Center La Strada, spoke about the role of the psychologist and lawyer and the interaction with other members of the intervention team in cases of sexual violence. She mentioned the importance of calm and trust-based communication with victims of sexual violence, without using prejudices or stereotypes.

Ina Chiriliuc of the General Directorate of Criminal Prosecution, General Police Inspectorate, noted, “Prejudice has no place in the response of professionals to cases of sexual violence.”

The expert spoke about the principles of organizing the work of the intervention team in cases of sexual violence, focusing on respect for human rights; non-discrimination; sensitive approach to gender, age and cultural environment; active participation of the victim in decision-making; individual and victim-centered approach; safety and security of victims of sexual violence; confidentiality; non-admission of revictimization.

Relevant information on the response of the medical system in cases of sexual violence (ethical issues, treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, emergency contraception, medical documentation as evidence in sex crime cases) was presented by Irina Sagaidac, doctor of medical sciences, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy.

Andrei Pădure, dr. habil. in medicine, senior lecturer at Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, mentioned the importance and role of the forensic expert and the interaction with other members of the joint intervention team in cases of sexual violence. The expert came up with valuable details on how to address and report victims, as well as clinical management in rape cases.  

The intervention of a joint team increases victims’ trust in justice and encourages case reporting

Organizers hope that this training will help investigate and document cases through a complex approach. Close cooperation between police officers, psychology and medicine specialists and NGOs will lead to addressing cases from the perspective of risk assessment and of ensuring adequate protection and assistance for victims. The team approach will also increase victims’ trust in law enforcement and encourage reporting of cases of sexual violence in order to bring perpetrators to justice.

The event was organized in partnership with the General Police Inspectorate with the support of Oxfam GB as part of the project “Strengthening the national response of combating human trafficking and gender-based violence in Moldova in the context of the armed conflict in Ukraine”.